Friday, 17 June 2011


Rain rain go away.

Despite the weeks and weeks of dry weather leading towards drought, a few days of rain and I've had enough. Hoping for some dry weather so I can get down to the plot.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

More berries

Another 1.5lb of raspberries and 2lb of strawberries.
Put a net over another bed, did some weeding and watering.

Sunday, 12 June 2011


Picked 2lb of strawberries & 1.25lb of raspberries yesterday, Hannah immediately claimed the raspberries to make jam.

Today, Iots of weeding. Then I had to fence of the runner beans and climbing beans as something has been eating them.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

A good visit

Popped over for a couple of hours this afternoon, and they were very productive.

Cut the grass, trimmed the long grass around the strawberry bed. Filled the water butts. Sowed basil, rocket, cucumbers, lettuce, salad leaf. Dug out more compost. Fed everything with chicken manure. Watered everything, and built nets over the salad bed.

Unfortunately a little late for the cabbages I planted on Sunday, as they've bees stripped. I am hoping they will recover.

All in all pretty pleased with the plot so far.

Forgot to bring tubs for strawberries and raspberries, I will have to pop back later or early tomorrow to pick them.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Sowing & planting

Today I planted: broad beans, climbing beans, runner beans, cabbages and basil. I sowed courgettes, carrots, beetroot, coriander, rocket.

I gave everything a good watering too, despite the threat of rain.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Early June

First time down in a week, due to a visit to Scotland. Everything looking good.

Good crop of strawberries and some early raspberries. Everything planted is still alive, despite the lack of rain.