Sunday, 1 March 2009

First visit of the year

I made the first visit of the year, things didn’t look to bad.

List of things to do:

  1. Weed strawberry bed. It’s very bad. Get some feed on.
  2. Build proper supports for the raspberry canes. Feed and mulch.
  3. Fit guttering to the shed.
  4. Cover all the beds with sheeting to help them warm up.
  5. Dig two more beds at the top of the allotment.
  6. Tidy up the very top of the allotment, build a better long term compost heap for all the very weedy stuff.
  7. Get lots of manure and compost.
  8. Order up potatoes and get them chitting.

However, going through my seed box, which I for some mad reason left in the shed, it looks like the mice have been in and had some seeds.I’m also unsure whether seeds will keep from year to year. So got to make a list of new seeds to buy.

I have ordered my potatoes -Maris Peer 2nd earlies.