It's only the blog that's been temporarily abandoned not the allotment. In lieu of the blog, I've been keeping a short diary of my allotment visits . Here's the last week or so:
28/5. | evening visit. heavy rain since weekend. something (rabbits?) has been eating the tips of my runner beans. put a temporary chicken wire fence around them. applied slug pellets around brassicas. |
24/5 | afternoon visit. covered bed 6 with compost, bought as mine isn't quite ready. planted out more mystery plants and sewed carrots,cabbage etc. build a frame of mdpe pipe and netting. |
23/5 | morning visit. finished digging bed 6. started digging bed 7. |
22/5 | evening visit. planted more runner beans, cauliflower, and some mystery plants |
22/5 | morning visit. dug over and weeded bed 6 |
21/5 | evening visit. weeded strawberries. used mdpe blue water pipe to build frame and net strawberries. |
21/5 | morning visit. weeded raspberries. weeded brassicas |
20/5 | evening visit. cut grass on paths. weeded raspberries. covered compost heap. |
19/5 | went along in the evening . weeded the onion bed. |
Bed 7 isn't progressing well, every time I have it half dug, we get a downpour and it regresses to a puddle. Which is leaving me without anywhere to put the last of my potatoes. I think I'm going to have to give up on them this year.
Here are a few photos: