Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Last weekend

Annoyingly I didn't get to the allotment last weekend. I did manage to get the greenhouse cleared out, and I planted some runner beans and broad beans, sewed some cauliflower, broccoli, mint, sage and lemon grass.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Late January & Early February

An update on the last three weekends:

I planted out the 30 strawberry plants, and dug one of the new raspberry beds.

I've also dug over the three beds I manured last year.

I added some bark to the paths around the shed, but the allotment stock of free bark has run out.

I've also managed to clear out most of the rubbish pile, digging out a rusting wheelbarrow and several sheets of bent, buckled corrugated steel.

The weather last weekend was wonderful. A real pleasure to be down the allotment. I hope for more of the same this weekend.